Principal Investigator: Andrea Alù

Andrea Alù

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Cloaking and Invisibility Metasurfaces and Metamaterials Metamaterial Devices and Components Optical Nanoantennas and Nanocircuits

Cloaking and Invisibility
One of the most exciting applications of metamaterials: our group has pioneered the use of plasmonic and mantle cloaks for drastic scattering suppression of radio-waves, infrared, matter, sound and light waves.

Metasurfaces and Metamaterials
We have introduced the concept of nonperiodic metamaterials and metasurfaces with controlled variations along an axis of choice, providing new degrees of freedom for light manipulation at the nanoscale.

Metamaterial Devices and Components
Our group has proposed several exciting concepts to apply metamaterials and plasmonics for novel devices to manipulate, process and tailor radio-waves, THz, infrared, optical and sound signals.

Optical Nanoantennas and Nanocircuits
We have put forward several innovative concepts to tailor emission, radiation, scattering, absorption and optical signal processing at the nanoscale, inspired to established concepts of RF antennas and circuits. Our MURI effort on this topic.

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July 8-14, 2018 – Boston, MA
Invited talk at IEEE AP-S symposium

June 19-21, 2018 – Arlington, VA 
Invited talk at DARPA SPAR workshop

June 10-15, 2018 – Philadelphia, PA
Tutorial talk at IMS 2018

June 14, 2018 – New York, NY
Invited talk at IEEE EDS SSCS chapter

Recent News | Read More ›

August 18, 2018: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) awarded our four-year proposal of nanophotonics research with team members from the ASRC, The City College of New York, The University of Texas at Austin and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. [Press release]
June 20, 2018: Our paper on maximum Willis coupling in acoustic scatterers has been published in Physical Review Letters.
June 6, 2018: Our invited review paper on nanophotonics with 2D transition metal dichalcogenides has been published in Optics Express, Special Issue for the 20th Anniversary, and selected as Editor’s Suggestion. 
June 4, 2018: Our paper on tunable Fano resonances and plasmon–exciton coupling inWS2, in collaboration with Y. Zheng’s group, has been published in Advanced Materials, and selected for Frontispice image. 
May 31, 2017: Andrea Alù has been selected as a National Finalist for the Blavatnik National Award for Young Scientists in Physical Sciences and Engineering. He was selected also in 2016 and in 2017. [Press release]
May 14, 2018: Our paper on generalized parity-time symmetry for telemetric sensing has been published in Nature Electronics. [News and Views; Press release