News Archives – 2017
November 30, 2017: Our review paper on non-reciprocal photonics based on time-modulation has been published in Nature Photonics, and selected for the cover image of the December 2018 issue.
November 22, 2017: Our paper on the concept of coherent virtual absorption has been published in Optica.
November 15, 2017: Andrea Alù has been selected as 2017 Highly Cited Researcher from Clarivate Analytics Web of Science.
October 6, 2017: Our paper on synchronized conductivty modulation to realize magnet-free non-reciprocal devices in collaboration with Columbia University has been published in Nature Communications. [Press coverage]
October 4, 2017: Our review paper on coherent perfect absorbers has been published in Nature Reviews Materials.
October 4, 2017: Our commentary on optomechanical nonreciprocity has been published in Nature Physics.
September 11, 2017: Our paper on the origin of Willis coupling in acoustic metamaterials has been published in Physical Review B and it has been selected as Editor’s Suggestion.
September 8, 2017: Our invited paper on designer matter and metamaterails has been published in the MRS Bulletin. This paper is based on the award lecture given at the 2016 MRS Fall meeting for the Kavli Foundation Early Career Lectureship in Materials Science.
August 11, 2017: Pai-Yen Chen has been selected for the IEEE Sensors Council Young Professional Award for pioneering contributions and innovations in the development of concepts and applications of wireless and non-invasive sensors, and electromagnetic theory for radio-frequency, terahertz, and optical sensors. He will receive the award next November in Glasgow, Scotland.
August 10, 2017: Our paper on meta-gratings that overcome the limits of graded metasurfaces has been published in Physical Review Letters and it has been selected as Editor’s Suggestion.
June 12, 2017: Our paper on fundamental principles of non-reciprocity in opto-mechanics has been published in Physical Review Applied.
July 17, 2017: Andrea Alù has been selected as ACS Photonics Highly Prolific Author.
June 8, 2017: Ahmed Kord has won the Student Design Competition (1st prize) ‘Magnet-Less Parametric Circulator Design’ at the IEEE International Microwave Symposium, Honolulu, HI.
May 31, 2017: Andrea Alù has been selected as a National Finalist for the Blavatnik National Award for Young Scientists in Physical Sciences and Engineering. He was selected also in 2016.
May 19, 2017: Our review paper on magnetic dipole emission enhancement with nanophotonic structures has been published in Laser & Photonics Reviews and is featured on the front cover.
May 6, 2017: Francecsco Monticone has received the inaugural Jacome Dissertation Prize from UT Austin for his dissertation ‘Scattering Engineering at the Extreme with Metamaterials, Metasurfaces and Nanostructures’.
April 15, 2017: Our paper on fundamental bounds on asymmetric systems dictated by time-reversal symmetry has been published in Physical Review Letters.
March 31, 2017: Ahmed Kord has received the best paper award at the 2017 Texas Symposium on Wireless & Microwave Circuits & Systems.
February 12, 2017: Our paper on non-reciprocal mechanical metamaterials with topological order appeared in Nature. Videos of our experiments here and here. Press release, Physics World.
February 8, 2017: Our works on Doppler electromagnetic cloaks and on lasing periodic arrays, in collaboration with University of Roma Tre and AMOLF, appeared in Physical Review B.
February 6, 2017: Our invited review paper on metamaterial, plasmonic and nanophotonic devices has appeared in Reports of Progress in Physics.
January 26, 2017: Our invited review paper on acoustic metamaterials in Nature Reviews Materials has been highlighted by the editors, and is free to download for the coming weeks.
January 25, 2017: Our paper on detection of molecular chirality using twisted metamaterials has been published in Nature Communications.
January 7, 2017: Our paper on advanced control of nonlinear beams with PB metasurfaces has been selected for Physical Review B Kaleidoscope.